Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Technorati Schmechnorati

I'm not entirely clear why I'm doing this, but from what I hear, "claiming your blog" on Technorati is the best way to increase your readership. And since I'm pretty convinced I have a valid and entertaining perspective on hobby gardening, I'd like it to be seen. So, here goes nothin':

Technorati Profile

P.S. This advice comes to me from blog consulting firm, Purple Wren.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Three Tiers for This Pot

This is my favorite planter of the year. It's three tiers of plain, old plastic pots from the Hy-Vee filled with a multitude of annuals.

I actually did it last, filling it with all the leftover plants I had after doing the rest of my yard. Funny how that happens.

Amazing What A Little Water Can Do

These looked like hell last week, and then I watered them.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

One Confused Clematis

It finally bloomed. Today's date? September 20.

UPDATE: Turns out this is not at all unusual, as clematis has a second bloom in the early fall. Huh... who knew?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I think I have a soft addiction to weeding. Today, I went outside to take out the garbage, and this is what my driveway looked like 10 minutes later.

Now That's Sad

It's almost Labor Day, and I've still got plants in their flats.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ever Green, My Ass

So you think you can’t kill an evergreen, eh? Well, I’m living proof it’s entirely possible.

Lock me up. Three counts of involuntary tree slaughter.

Here’s victims #2 and #3. Seriously, I’m on my way to having killed three evergreen trees with in the last two years. The first one died of Miracle Grow poisoning. I had no idea.

These two are trying to recover from their winters in Planterville (Yes, I kept them in pots all season long… without watering them… who waters in the snow???).

At any rate, I’ve recently decided to take my two remaining evergreen trees out of their pots and let them have a go of it in the ground.

I feel it’s just good chi. I mean a tree belongs in the ground, right?

I’m pretty sure these guys are knocking on heaven’s door, but stay tuned… ‘cause you neva know!

Face the Corner!

I read somewhere that you’re supposed to rotate your pots every so often so they won’t grow in an uneven pattern toward the sun.

Well, if this isn’t just the saddest chore of the season.

Feels like I’m putting my flowers in Time Out. Supernanny would be proud, ‘cause they stay put!

Before Baby, After Baby

(circa 2006)

(circa 2007)

Need I say more?